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Lunar Day Earthquake Probabilities - New Zealand
North Island of New Zealand
H 13,14
MH 8,9,16,17,20,21,25,26,28
ML 3,6,7,10,11,12,15,19,22-24
L 2,4,5,18,27,29,30
South of Island of New Zealand
H 11,25,30
MH 3,6,7,13,18,19,22,28,29
ML 4,5,10,12,14,15,21,23,26,27
L 2,8,9,16,17,20,24
Key: VH = Very High H = High MH = Medium High ML = Medium Low L = Low
Today's date (UTC) is:
16th May 2015
Today's lunar day is: 5
Comment for today:
If New Zealand is shown on Asia-Pacific hourly calendar - for about xx hrs GMT it
is necessary to pre-empt event by 4 hrs for time zone difference as calculations
were based on Indonesia. No stress analysis is yet available for this region, so
that it is not possible to give reliable strength forecasts. Also it has been noted
that in the past there is some correspondence between S Sumatra forecasts and North
Island NZ events as well as between Java forecasts and S Island NZ events