Hourly earthquake forecast for America for today and tomorrow - this is derived from relative acceleration of sun and moon compared with observer location at LA, California. The vector sum of acceleration is correlated with previous events for the past 38 years (period of records available from USGS since 1973). The countries covered by this forecast include those in North and South America - such as Alaska, Canada, USA (Washington, Oregon, California, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, W Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina and others. To date the forecast does not have any way of assessing strengths - other than reference to the past events - the locations of possible events - appear to be not so accurate as forecasts in Asia - possibly because events are less tectonic in nature. However the forecast should act as an indicator of possible events - within a few days (and sometimes a few hours). The table should be viewed in conjunction with the lunar calendars for America which are derived from the location of sun and moon relative to observer in LA at zero hrs GMT on each day - there is one calendar for Phase Ratio > 1 and another for Phase Ratio < 1. At the present time it is considered that the PR <1 calendar is most appropriate - this means that the majority of larger events occur at times about half way between the full moon and new moon. Reference should also be made to the lunar/ solar latitude table
Time UST |
Deldot |
Direction |
Direction |
Direction |
Vector |
Lunar |
Hourly Forecast location |
Date |
km/sec |
Maxmin |
Lunar |
Ldir |
Solar |
Sdir |
Combined |
Cdir |
Accel |
Day |
(Note strengths relate to past events) |
Time UST |
Deldot |
Direction |
Direction |
Direction |
Vector |
Lunar |
Hourly Forecast location |
Date |
km/sec |
Maxmin |
Lunar |
Ldir |
Solar |
Sdir |
Combined |
Cdir |
Accel |
Day |
(Note strengths relate to past events) |